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Nine short essays:
'Rosa Bonheur: International Celebrity' (p. 116)
'Elizabeth Butler's The Roll Call: A Sensation at the Royal Academy' and 'The Royal Academy Elections of 1879: Elizabeth Butler's Narrow Squeak' (pp. 122-6)
'Painting the Nude', 'Henrietta Rae: A Reputation Made and Lose', and 'The Victorian Era Exhibition of 1897: The Issue of Women's Segregation' (pp. 128-34)
'Lucy Kemp-Welch: A Chantrey Bequest Purchase for the Nation' (pp. 140-1)
'Women and Watercolour' (pp. 146-53)
'Art School' (pp. 164-7)
'John van Collema: A Dutch India Goods Merchant in London', in Close Encounters: Cross-Cultural Exchange between the Low Countries and Britain, 1600-1830, ed. Karen Hearn, Angela Jager, Sander Karst, Rieke van Leeuwen, David Taylor and Joanna Woodall, RKD Studies, 2024
Open-access online publication
'The Orange and the Rose: Horticultural and Decorative Flowers at the English and Dutch Courts of William III and Mary II' (with Renske Ek), in Floral Culture and the Tudor and Stuart Courts, ed. Susannah Lyon-Whaley, Amsterdam University Press, 2024, pp. 305-22.
Helen Allingham: Subverting the Stereotype
Guest blog post,, 16 May 2024
Become an instant expert on ...the tale of women artists and the Royal Academy 'Instant Expert', 16 April 2024
'World of Interiors: Mary II, the Decorative Arts, and Cultural Transfer', in Later Stuart Queens, 1660-1735: Religion, Political Culture and Patronage, ed. Eilish Gregory and Michael C. Questier, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 175-201.
Also available as an e-book

I write regularly for specialist and general audiences. Below is a selection of my recent publications.
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